Attorney-General’s Integrity Taskforce Warning to Indonesians in Australia

Attorney General’s Department, Canberra.

IN ORDER to maintain a closer view of the activities of residents living in Australia’s “open and diverse democracy” the Attorney General’s Department as established an Integrity Taskforce under the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme.

The Australian Government wants to capture the nature, level and extent of foreign influence on Australia’s government and political processes.

Taskforce Assistant Secretary Lucinda Atkinson said the scheme applies to anyone acting on behalf of a ‘foreign principal’ for the purpose of political or governmental influence.

Ms Atkinson explained that a foreign principal includes a foreign government or political organisation or a foreign entity or individual that is accustomed or required to operate at the direction of a foreign government or political party.

Activities covered by the scheme include federal parliamentary lobbying, general political lobbying, communications activity and disbursement activities.

The scheme also provides a range of exemptions.

Ms Atkinson said the scheme does not prohibit people or entities from undertaking these activities on behalf of a foreign principal, rather it acknowledges that it is in the public interest that these arrangements are transparent.

“As a general rule, any individual or entity undertaking relevant activities on behalf of a foreign principal, may need to register and should familiarise themselves with the operations, obligations and exemptions of the scheme,” she said.

“Where an obligation does arise, registration must be completed within 14 days of either entering into a relationship with a foreign principal or undertaking a registrable activity. Please note there is a three month grace period for arrangements that were in place prior to 10 December 2018. This will cease on 10 March 2019.

“In all cases, it is the responsibility of the person undertaking the activities to determine whether they are required to register. Detailed information about the scheme, including how to register and the available exemptions is available in a series of fact sheets on the Attorney-General’s Department’s website at If after reading the guidance material a person remains unsure of their individual obligations, they may wish to consider seeking legal advice.

“It is an offence not to register if required to do so and penalties apply.”

Ms Atkinson said if you have questions about the scheme, click to the scheme’s website at to find out more information.

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Posted in News & Activities.