Attorney-General’s Integrity Taskforce Warning to Indonesians in Australia

Attorney General’s Department, Canberra.

IN ORDER to maintain a closer view of the activities of residents living in Australia’s “open and diverse democracy” the Attorney General’s Department as established an Integrity Taskforce under the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme.

The Australian Government wants to capture the nature, level and extent of foreign influence on Australia’s government and political processes.

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Gold Coast Multicultural Group Praised by Indonesian Embassy

Seharum Nuntara representatives Widya Wright (left) and Renee Palmer (right) with the Indonesian Ambassador Mr Kristiarto S Legowo

THE ACTIVITIES of Gold Coast-based non-profit multicultural group Seharum Nusantara have been praised on behalf of the Indonesian Ambassador Mr Kristarto Legowo, by Mr Iwan Freddy of the Indonesian embassy in Canberra.Read More