Eid El Fitri Greetings to All from Gold Coast Multicultural Group

SEHARUM NUSANTARA President 2017-2018, Christie McMillan, has extended the groups warmest Eid El Fitri greetings to all.

Eid El Fitri is the Muslim holiday season which celebrates the end of Islam’s Ramadan month of fasting.

It is time when all Muslims prepare themselves for the year ahead, apologising for any unintentional offences to others during the year past, and promising to do better in the year ahead.

Seharum Nusantara (SN) President Christie McMillan said, “We would like to wish you a happy and blessed Eid El Fitr to our friends and colleagues who celebrate and cherish the day.

“Have a good one and all the best for the next year.”

Christie also announced other members in the new executive for Seharum Nusantara for the ensuing year:

  • Vice President – Bambang Kuncoro
  • Secretary – Thia Taylor
  • Treasurer – Renny Palmer

Christie said there was an exciting list of events coming up in the year ahead.

“We’re very much looking forward to providing some really special events and multicultural displays during 2017 – 2018,” she said.

“It’s a great opportunity to share so many aspects of Indonesian and other cultures to the people of Queensland and Northern NSW.”

Posted in Festivals & Events.