Gold Coast Multicultural Dance Group Gains Indonesian Ambassadorial Support

Seharum Nusantara representatives Widya Wright (left) and Renee Palmer (right) with the Indonesian Ambassador Mr Kristiarto S Legowo (centre)

DELEGATES from Gold Coast Multicultural non-profit Seharum Nusantara met with Indonesian Ambassador Bapak Kristiarto S. Legowo at University of Queensland on Tuesday, October 31.

Widya Wright and Renee Palmer on behalf of Seharum Nusantara were participating on the Grand opening of Balai Bahasa Indonesia night by Bapak Legowo and Consul General of Indonesia Bapak Yayan Mulyana.

The meet-and-greet night for the Indonesian community in Queensland was held at the University of Queensland.

After the Seharum Nusantara delegates explained various proposed future activities to the ambassador and consul general, both said they were pleased with the initiatives and Bpk Mulyana pledged his support in any way possible.

For more information about Seharum Nusantara, or to enquire about bookings,
please contact: Christy 0403 137 827 or Widya 0404 808 734

Posted in Festivals & Events.