Gold Coast Multicultural Group Cuts Red Tape to Bring Urgent Funds to Palu Tsunami Victims

Photo: Financial Express

GOLD COAST multicultural non-profit organisation Seharum Nusantara has taken direct action to get urgent funding and supplies into the hands of earthquake and tsunami victims on Palu, Sulawesi in Indonesia.

President Caroline Samara said earthquake and tsunami victims in Palu have suffered dreadfully after the 7.5 Richter scale earthquake hit them Friday September 28, followed by three tsunamis up to 6 metres high which devastated the region.

She said response by larger organisation has been wonderful, but they are hampered by their size.

“When the tsunami hit Aceh in 2004, the response by charities like the Red Cross was massive but I know in some cases funds took many months to reach the victims.

“As a way to get urgent supplies and funds to Pula’s victims more quickly, Seharum Nusantara has organised a GoFundMe campaign to raise urgently needed funds to assist them much sooner,” she said.

“And we have already organised a delegate to fly to Pula on October 22nd with supplies and funds to help the victims.”

Seharum Nusantara member Rica Greenfield is flying to Pula on October 22nd, bringing with her urgently needed supplies and funds.

Seharum Nusantata is also holding a Suitcase Rummage Sale on Saturday, October at Marine Parade, Southport Broadwater Parklands, Southport 4215
The Little Lawn (lawn behind the stage and toilet).

All proceeds from the Rummage Sale will be added to the GoFundMe fundraiser and more than $500 already raised by Seharum Nusantara for the Pula victims.

Donations can also be made by direct deposit:

  • Account Name: Seharum Nusantara
  • BSB: 084852
  • A/C Number: 847001340

For more information about Seharum Nusantara, or to enquire about bookings,
please contact: Caroline 0424 679 193 or Reni 0403 558 088

Posted in News & Activities.