Gold Coast Multicultural Group Praised by Indonesian Embassy

Seharum Nuntara representatives Widya Wright (left) and Renee Palmer (right) with the Indonesian Ambassador Mr Kristiarto S Legowo

THE ACTIVITIES of Gold Coast-based non-profit multicultural group Seharum Nusantara have been praised on behalf of the Indonesian Ambassador Mr Kristarto Legowo, by Mr Iwan Freddy of the Indonesian embassy in Canberra.Read More

Seharum Nusantara Dancers Perform to Packed Crowd at Gold Coast Multicultural Festival

Seharum Nusantara Gold Coast dancers who were featured performers at the Gold Coast Multicultural Festival on Sunday August 12, 2018.

GOLD COAST non-profit multicultural group Seharum Nusantara helped enhance the Gold Coast’s reputation as a multicultural city with their colourful featured performance at the annual Multicultural Festival held on Sunday August 12, 2018 in the Broadwater Parklands at Southport.
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Seharum Nusantara Continues Indoz Support for 2018

Indoz members, delegates and supporters gathered at Sendok Garpu Restaurant for a meeting to discuss Indoz Indonesian/Australian Festival in 2018

GOLD COAST not-for-profit multicultural group Seharum Nusantara will continue to support the Indoz Indonesian/Australian Festival in 2018.

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