Seharum Nusantara Bazaar Successful Fundraiser for Lombok

MORE THAN $800 was raised for Lombok earthquake victims at Gold Coast not-for-profit Seharum Nusantara's Multicultural Bazaar last Sunday August 26.

Preparing for the Eggplant Race or Terong Terongan!

Event co-organiser Christie Sukmawati proclaimed the event an outstanding success, both for the Lombok earthquake survivors and as Seharum's first monthly Multicultural Bazaar.

"We raised $827 for Lombok which came from our mega-raffles, food and drink sales and also from cash donations from members," she said.

The day included various games and activities which resulted in gales of laughter from the crowd which included age groups from teens through to senior citizens.

A very popular game was the Eggplant Race or Terong Terongan, where each girl in her team had to pass an eggplant from between her legs to between the next team member's legs, resulting in some truly hilarious activity!

Another very popular contest on the day was creating Indonesian sambal using traditional stone uleks (mortar and pestles).

Seharum Nusantara President Caroline Samara said even though the day was rainy and cloudy, more than 100 people turned up to the event and without exception everyone had a terrific time.

"We had so many comments about how much fun our first monthly bazaar was, so we know we're on the right track for our next one in September," she said.

"And we'll also be inviting other Gold Coast multicultural groups to join us in the future."

Also at the event was Maree Diane, who is learning Bahasa Indonesia on the Gold Coast. Maree brought her daughter Bonnie, who is part Javanese, to the bazaar to help her to embrace her Indonesian culture.

For more information about Seharum Nusantara, or to enquire about bookings,
please contact: Caroline 0424 679 193 or Reni 0403 558 088

Posted in Festivals & Events.