Seharum Nusantara Gold Coast Performs at Brisbane’s Pesta Rakyat

Papuan dancing at Pesta Rakyat

GOLD COAST multicultural dance troupe Seharum Nusantara recently took part in Brisbane’s Pesta Rakyat 2017. 

Pesta Rakyat means Festival of the People and Seharum Nusantara took part in a three-dance performance. Each dance was from a different island in Indonesia.

First up was the Marpangir dance from Sumatra Utara (North Sumatra), while the second dance was Sajojo from Papua.

The final dance was a medley, danced flash mob-style, including Sajojo, Poco Poco and Gemu Famire.

Their performance at Pesta Rakyat was the first time Seharum Nusantara had collaborated with other Brisbane kawanua (community organisations) to present a show.

Indonesian Consul General, Bapak Yayan Mulyana, spontaneously joined the crowd to dance Gemu Famire.

The performance was another great success for Seharum Nusantara’s program of participating in community events.

For more information about Seharum Nusantara, or to enquire about bookings, please contact: Christy 0403 137 827 or Widya 0404 808 734

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