Tickets Selling Fast for Exotic Indonesia Gala Night in December


SEHARUM NUSANTARA members are very pleased at how fast tickets to their Exotic Indonesia Gala Night are selling.

The organisation’s Vice-President Tika Evans said this week that more than half available tickets have already sold.

“We’re very excited at how fast the tickets are selling,” she said.

“They’ve only been available since Friday, and they’re selling like hotcakes.”

“This is a real first for the Gold Coast, and people are very keen to enjoy a glamorous night out.”

The event will be held in the Quality Hotel Ballroom in Mermaid Waters on Saturday, December 1, 2019 at 6.30 pm.

Tickets are top value, selling at $60 per person for SN members, and $65 for non-members.

To buy your own tickets before they are all sold, phone or Whatsapp Tika on 0479 096 584.

VP Tika said a lot sold at Seharum Nusantara’s Monthly Bazaar on Sunday September 30.

Other activities at the monthly bazaar saw more than $300 raised for tsunami victims in the Indonesian Island of Sumatra, where six-metre tsunamis have caused massive loss of life and destruction of property.

“We held a minute’s silence for the victims of the Sumatra tsunami and ran fundraisers as part of the September Bazaar activities.”

For more information about Seharum Nusantara, or to enquire about bookings,
please contact: Caroline 0424 679 193 or Reni 0403 558 088

Posted in Festivals & Events, News & Activities.