Traditional Indonesian Dance Classes at Seharum Nusantara All Set for 2018-19

TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN dance classes will continue to grow from strength to strength at Seharum Nusantara during current 2018-2019, SN Dance Instructor Calista Palmer said this week.

Seharum Nusantara dance instructor Calista Palmer

Calista is Seharum Nusantara’s Dance Instructor and choreographer, responsible for choreographing, teaching and leading SN’s dance performances.

In the past 12 months alone, Seharum Nusantara have performed traditional Indonesian dances in Brisbane’s Pesta Rakyat, and also events on the Sunshine Coast, the Gold Coast and the Indofest Festival in Adelaide where the troupe performed in front of Indonesian Ambassador Kristiarto S Legowo, South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill, Mayor of Adelaide Martin Hease and Governor of South Australia Hieu Van Le, and were featured in state and national media at the time.

Calista says Seharum Nusantara’s dance classes will continue this year, commencing soon.

“We’re looking forward to providing expert dance instructions in friendly, fun lessons where everyone can learn, from beginners to experienced dancers.

Calista has a strong background in traditional Indonesian dancing having studied regularly at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in Jakarta since 2013.

She is assisted in SN dance classes by her mum, Reni Palmer.

For more information about Seharum Nusantara, or to enquire about bookings,
please contact: Caroline 0424 679 193 or Reni 0403 558 088

Posted in Festivals & Events, News & Activities.